Jean-Paul Lorenzi’s Interview

Jean Paul Lorenzi played a key role in the development of Neutron by drawing my attention to the segmented rubber architecture, via a transformation of his own Beam 85. After that it was a big workshop and pool work (more than 250 shots) on our side, adjustments and field tests of his ….

It was therefore legitimate to ask him some questions ….

AG / JP, what motivated you to participate in the development of Neutron?

JP / What motivated me to participate in the development of the Neutron was first and foremost my passion for underwater hunting equipment in general and particularly spearguns … I love to play with them … Second motivation, it’s my passion for TEAK SEA … seeing the brand evolve with guns very beautiful, very powerful, on a system that we have always known, I wanted to bring my stone to the building to evolve my guns TEAK SEA at first, and then out of friendship and trust with Angelos Germidis, to evolve the range of TEAK SEA spearguns in general ….

AG / What were the main challenges you encountered in this development?

JP / The main challenge encountered was of course to find the right compromise between power handling and precision, the perfect speargun that many hunters would like to have in hand!

AG / What are the strong points of the Neutron for you?

JP / The strengths of the Neutron are its power at first, its precision thanks to its low recoil in a second time, its design – of course! TEAK SEA remains in my eyes the Must have of the wooden speargun with all its handmade accessories, the mechanism, the stainless steel reel, as well as woodworking in general …. but also its balance … I find the NEUTRON well balanced, very important thing for tracking down fish.

AG / What were for you the best hunting actions with Neutron?

JP / Hmm … The best actions for me … I was at the time of where I realized that my small so small BEAM NEUTRON 85 had a huge potential on some free shots and also on stalking where I managed to make a double score (small amberjacks), on the leader line… There I understood that this gun had a real potential on small and medium bottom ….. The fish … it’s the logical outcome!

AG / Beam Neutron, Neutron, which advisor for which hunt?

JP / Personally I found the Beam Neutron, especially the 85, formidable for close range hunting in the water not too clear, because of its outstanding maneuverability. On the other hand, Neutron 95 by its range has a real potential for the stalking of fish of small and average size, up to 15-20m depth maximum. Neutron is a champion of its category.

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