Les ambassadeurs
Matti Pyykkö

Habite à : Finlande, Côte Ouest
Teak Sea depuis : 2003
Ce qu’il aime : Calm, silent, beautiful, just perfect
Armes : Azimuth 115, X105, X90, Pal100…soon Beam
Prise Préférée : Atomic sea trout and White fish from Baltic Sea
Le Graal : Over fishing Police. Under the United Nations, 40 ships to control the oceans and protect the few fish which are still left.
Binôme : Joseba Kerejeta, Johan Vellerup and Kim Jaatinen
Details : 5 Times Nordic champion, several participations to world and European championships, winner of Kristiansund cup, behind Team Kampela website and activities.
En savoir plus sur Matti : Sa chaïne Youtube, ses photos sur Flickr
Zone d’expertise : Baltic sea, Norway, many tropical experiences, underwater filming
Parle :
Contact : mattispearfish@hotmail.com